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Applications of Quantum Mechanics

This course focuses on essential techniques needed for practical applications and research in Quantum Mechanics. We introduce a variety of approximation methods to understand systems that have no analytic solutions.

Applications of Quantum Mechanics

This course focuses on essential techniques needed for practical applications and research in Quantum Mechanics. We introduce a variety of approximation methods to understand systems that have no analytic solutions.

In this Quantum Physics course, you will learn about the primary perturbative methods in quantum mechanics: degenerate and non-degenerate time-independent perturbation theory, the semi-classical WKB approximation, time-dependent perturbation theory, the adiabatic approximation, and scattering theory. Together, these approximation methods represent a valuable set of tools that are broadly applicable across almost all of physics. We will use these methods to study a variety of systems that do not admit analytic solutions, including the fine structure of hydrogen, tunneling rates, radiative decay and molecules. We will also investigate the quantum mechanical description of a particle in a magnetic field, and discuss the symmetries associated with multi-particle systems in detail.

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This is the final course of a series of courses on edX:

  • 8.04 Quantum Mechanics
  • 8.05 Mastering Quantum Mechanics
  • 8.06 Approximation Methods in Quantum Mechanics

The course is based on the MIT course, 8.06: Quantum Mechanics III. At MIT, 8.06 is the final course in a three-course undergraduate sequence in Quantum Mechanics. 8.06 is a capstone in the education of physics majors, preparing them for advanced and specialized study in any field related to quantum physics.

What you'll learn

In this course you will:

  • Model complicated systems using quantum mechanics
  • Construct various approximation schemes in quantum mechanics
  • Develop your understanding of the time dependent processes in quantum mechanics
  • Explain a quantum phenomenon in a written paper


Students should be familiar with quantum mechanics at the level of 8.05x Mastering Quantum Mechanics.

Meet your instructors

  • Featured image for Barton Zwiebach
    Professor of Physics

Who can take this course?

Because of U.S. Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) restrictions and other U.S. federal regulations, learners residing in one or more of the following countries or regions will not be able to register for this course: Iran, Cuba, Syria, North Korea and the Crimea, Donetsk People's Republic and Luhansk People's Republic regions of Ukraine.